
Showing posts from 2015

EVENT WALK- Saturday, June 13th, 2015

Hello,   I have created a team for the American Heart Association walk on Saturday, June 13th, 2015. This is not part of RCS cheerleading or the school and will not affect your spot on the squad next year if you do/ do not participate.   If you and your friends want to go and participate for a great cause, you are more than welcome too. TEAM NAME:   Shinning Diva's LOCATION:      Empire State Plaza TIME:     10:00am/ Plan to be there around 9:30am DATE:     Saturday, June 13th, 2015 If you do decide to go, you need a parent/ guardian responsible for you or your friends.  I cannot supervise you that day and it is very crowded.  If you go and have a parent/ adult with you and are interested in fundraising, I can send you the paperwork so please let me know.  If you would like a t-shirt, I will buy it for you, if the parent going wants one, it's $5 (half what I'm charging others). They are white/ grey (depending on placed order), mens sizes, please let me kno

Cheer Checks Due Tomorrow

Hello,   I'm just sending out a reminder that your cheer banquet check is due to me by tomorrow, 4/3/15  .  If you mailed it out today and I receive it Monday, that is ok.   If you already mailed me a check please dis-regard this post. So far the only cheerleaders I received confirmation/checks from are: Kire Heege & Guest Megan O'Connell & Guest Amanda Linger & Guest I didn't check the PO Box yesterday to be fair though but I will check it today.  You cannot pay at the door because if you don't show I am responsible for the cost. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you & Hope to see you there, Jess

4/15/15 Football & Basketball Cheerleading Banquet

Hello,   I hope every one is enjoying their off season! Cheerleading Banquet Information DATE:  Wednesday, April 15th PLACE: Yanni's Too TIME: 6:30pm- 8:30pm FOOD:   Buffet Style (chicken, salad, dessert pastries) PRICE: $20.- per person        ***Parents are welcome to attend too at $20.- per person   In order to hold your (and/ or your parents spot) I need a bank check or personal check made out to Yanni's by Friday, April 3rd, 2015 .  If I do not have it by then, I'm sorry but we cannot reserve you a seat.  We have had issues in the past where people say they are going and don't then Jess & I have a balance to pay.  Please mail checks to me, Jessica Whipple at PO BOX181 Feura Bush, NY 12067.  If you are worried they will take a long time to cash the check, please mail a bank check to me then. ***Reminder:  Checks made out to Yanni's                I do not at this time know if I will be coaching next year, Jess and I are still working on a


Hello, If you still owe me a uniform, please make sure to bring it to the banquet. Thanks! Jess

2/10- Last Day of the Season

Hello All,   Jess and I found out that the competition on the 21st isn't having JV squads participate since it is a regional competition.   That means we have no more competitions this season.   I ask that you bring both uniforms to the game on Tuesday, 2/10.  You'll be wearing your football one for the game though.  After uniform hand in (after the game) we will have practice still until 8:30pm.  We are still having practice to go over jump technique, tumbling skills, etc.  Exercises and stretches you can do at home to keep you in cheer shape until August tryouts.   You rocked out this season and still competed wonderfully considering a ton of schools didn't want to compete in tumbling divisions this year.    Once Jess and I pick a date, I will post information on the football/ basketball banquet. See you all Tuesday :)

1/31 Competition

Morning, PLACE: Scotia-Glenville Highschool ARRIVAL TIME : 9:00am PERFORMANCE TIME: est. 10:50am AWARDS:   est. 2pm-2:30pm Please make sure your cheerleader is there by 9:00am.  This is to make sure they have everything, warm up/ eat and incase our perforamce time gets bumped up. Reminder, I have them from 9am until after they compete.  After they compete, they will change into their sponsorship shirts and leggings, shorts, etc. then I will put the buddy system into place. They girls received paperwork tonight that I need filled out and handed back to me tomorrow .  They were also given last week what they needed to bring to the competition. HAIR: High ponytail, NO bumps, flyaways, etc.             If you want we can either do hair spray and sponge curlers or curling iron curls, then pinned  over night with heavy hair spray.             The ponytail cannot be loose, they should be able to tumble, stunt, jump around with their hair not coming undone. MAKE UP:     

1/26- NO Practice

I decided to cancel practice tonight due to pending weather conditions. We will have practice Wednesday, 1/28 (if school isn't closed) after 10th period until 7pm. If unable to practice Wednesday, we will have practice Friday, 1/30 from 6pm-8pm and miss the game. Thank you

Game Attire

Hello, Just an FYI that for Friday's 1/23 game and photo, you are wearing your football uniforms. The uniforms you received last night are for competition only . Thank you :)

Don't forget

Morning, Don't forget game at 5:20pm and practice is until 8:30pm tonight. Friday, you need to be at the highschool by 3:00pm and practice ends at 7:30pm ------------------------------------- Monday, 1/26 practice 6pm-8pm       ***The girls said that they don't have any exams Tuesday morning so it shouldn't effect studying. Friday, 1/30 game at 5:20pm practice ends at 8:00pm, hair "party" 8:00pm-8:30pm.             High ponytail ontop of head             Sponge curlers             Hair spray/ Aquanet (the dollar store still sells it)             Bobby pins .

1/31 & 2/7

Morning, There were a few issues with having the entire squad compete both 2/7 & 2/8 so we are competing on 1/31 and 2/7. Just an FYI, we usually don't get a performance schedule until 1-2 days before the competition.  Becuase of that, I usually have the girls there when the doors open since typically JV squads hit the floor first thing in the morning.  I always suggest maybe one household(s) host a sleepover the night before one competition and then have another parent(s) do it for the next one. This way instead of parent(s) having to drive both places and pick up at both places, you can alternate.  Just a suggestion if you have plans.  If you don't know another parent on the squad or have any concerns, please let me know.  Saturday, 1/31- Scotia-Glenville Highschool      I will let you know what time to arrive as soon as I can. Saturday, 2/7- Colonie Highschool       I will let you know what time to arrive as soon as I can. Typically, I am not suppose to let

Week of 1/19-1/23

Hello, A few updates: Game/ Practice Tuesday, 1/20     Please arrive @ 5:20pm, practice will be until 8:30pm that night          We really need to make sure the squad can hit there routine full out with stunts. Game/ Practice/ Team Photo Friday, 1/23    Please arrive by 3:00pm and report to the HS cafeteria         ***Team photo will take place at 3:15pm    I don't know which would be easier, either have them stay with a teacher after school then report to HS or drop them off at 3:00pm on Friday.  I was just told this was our time and I cannot leave work till 1:30pm on that day but I will go straight there after I leave work.      We will have practice after the team photo and after the game till 7:30pm. What you need for Friday, 1/23:      Uniform for picture      Hair half up, half down      Sponsorship t-shirt, black leggings/ shorts/ yoga pants (for practice & game)      Cheer sneakers, socks, game bow      Snack and a drink- you will have a break from 5p

Updates & Sponsorship Shirts

Morning, I hate to do this put we are going to have practice Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday next week. Monday, 1/12 will be after the game till 8pm. Tuesday, 1/13 & Wednesday, 1/14 will be 6pm-8pm Friday, 1/16 after the game till 8:00pm Yes I know it is a lot but if the routine hits decently by Friday's practice, we will have the girls compete in Scotia on Saturday, 1/31 instead of having practice. Since I'm not having them practice during regents, I'd rather squeeze in practices next week especially since we have the wrestling room that week.  They should be practicing their dance, jumps and cheer at home, we need to wrestling room to practice their stunts. -------- Sponsorships shirts will be in on Monday, 1/12.  If you were cheering during football season, you get a shirt too.  I will be at the school everyday next week for you to stop by and grab it or you can ask a current cheerleader to pick up yours and give it to you in school. If you plan to sto

Game & Practice Schedule

Morning all, Don't forget, practice tonight from 6:00pm-8:00pm. GAME/ PRACTICE     Tomorrow, Tuesday, 1/6/15              Arrive by 5:20pm ready to go, then we will have practice till 8:00pm GAME/ PRACTICE     Monday, 1/12/15             Arrive by 5:20pm ready to go, then we will have practice till 8:00pm GAME/ PRACTICE     Friday, 1/16/15             Arrive by 5:20pm ready to go, then we will have practice till 8:00pm GAME only     Tuesday, 1/20/15              Arrive by 5:20pm ready to go. GAME/ PRACTICE     Friday, 1/23/15             Arrive by 5:20pm ready to go, then we will have practice till 8:00pm                                         1/26-1/29 is REGENTS WEEK GAME/ PRACTICE     Friday, 1/30/15            Arrive by 5:20pm ready to go, then we will have practice till 8:00pm                          *** Tentative Practice Saturday, 1/31/15 10am till noon. PRACTICE     Monday, 2/2/15, 6:00pm till 8:00pm PRACTICE/ Hair Party     Friday, 2/