Saturday, 12/13 Practice/ Competition Schedule

Morning all,

We were able to get the Wrestling room for Saturday, 12/13 from 9:00am-1:00pm to practice.

Varsity will not be there so it'll give you a chance to practice on a full mat basis and for us to complete the routine.

I understand the holidays are coming up and if you need to leave at noon to attend a party or travel to a relative's house, just let me know.

Don't forget (weather permitting) we are attending two/ three competitions this year:
      Please mark these on your calendars
Big Red Rah Rah
     DATE: Saturday, January 17th
     Time: TBD
     Place: Guilderland Highschool
     We are definitely attending this one

UA Showdown*
     DATE: Sunday, February 8th (Superbowl Sunday is 2/1/15)
     Time: TBD
     Place: University of Albany, Sefcu Arena
     ****This is a maybe we'll go competition****

Suburban Council*
     DATE: Saturday, February 14th (Valentine's Day)
     Time: TBD
     Place: Guilderland Highschool
     ****This is a maybe we'll go competition****

Thank you :)


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