10/7, 10/9 & 10/11


Don't forget the following please:

Practice tomorrow, 10/7 6pm-8pm

Impact (concussion) screening, 10/9 at the beginning of 10th period, I will not be there.

Game/ cookie exchange on Saturday, 10/11 9am arrival
                        Tryouts (for you noon) 1pm-4pm

Update forms/ physicals:
       There is about 6 of you who will not be able to try out on Saturday.  If your in 7th/ 8th grade you cannot miss Saturday, FYI.
        Either you have not handed in your update form or have not had a new physical done.  I apologize but the nurse needs to clear you;1 highschooler and 5 middleschoolers are not cleared to tryout currently.  Please double check with the nurse tomorrow and see if you're cleared.

Also, no jewelry on the day of tryouts.  If your a returning cheerleader trying out you need to set an example.  Please wear a bow, even your game bow is ok.  You cannot have fake, gel, acryllic nails on.  I have told a few of you since September to remove them it is a safety issue and you cannot cheer/ compete with them on.

 If you have a pierceing in your ear that normally doesn't come out, it needs to now.  This is in preparation for competition and if you don't start removing all piercings for practices and games, you won't remember to remove it for competition.  If judges see jewelry, you just cost us a safety deduction on our score sheet.  We are a team and we need to start understanding that please.

Thank you 


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