
Showing posts from October, 2014

Sponsor T-Shirts

Hello!  I spoke to Jess last night about the T-shirts and she said we will be getting them in November.  We apologize on delay but SO MANY sponsors donated this year on both squads that they needed time to lay out the information on the shirts.  If your not doing basketball season you will still be getting a T-shirt. I ask that you text me your Name and T-shirt size please so we can have a list of the sizes we need. Xsmall, Small, Medium, Large & Xlarge Thank you :)

Going Forward

Hello, After tonight and tomorrow's open gym/ prac/ clinic, we will not meet again until Tuesday, 10/28/14 6pm-7:30pm.   If we don't end up having a game on 11/1, we will use this for uniform hand in/ team bonding.  If we do end up having a game, this will be for stunt practicing and halftime cheer refreshing.  11/1 will then be when you hand in your uniforms then, all of you. Fundraisers are also due tonight please.  Thanks!

Sincerest Apologies

Hello,   Again I sincerely apologize for the last minute notice on buses and cancellation of the Impact Test.  I emailed the AD as to what happened and when we need to reschedule.  Once I hear from him I will let you know.   As a lot of you know, cheerleading is officially a sport at the end of October.   Jess Starr and I met with the AD last night to discuss a few policy changes, guidelines, etc.   One of the policies is we have to wait until November 10th to hold basketball cheerleading try outs.  We are still meeting on Saturday, noon to 4pm, Tuesday, 10/14 and Wednesday, 10/15 since football season deosn't end officially until November 1st.   Saturday, Tuesday & Wednesday is going to be considered open gym/ prac/ cheer clinics so new people can still come and learn technique, with you/ varsity, etc and it'll be your practice as well since we still are working on stunting strength/ technique.   Good news, you can get the classification test out of the way on Sa

10/7, 10/9 & 10/11

Hello, Don't forget the following please: Practice tomorrow , 10/7 6pm-8pm Impact (concussion) screening , 10/9 at the beginning of 10th period, I will not be there. Game/ cookie exchange  on Saturday, 10/11 9am arrival                         Tryouts (for you noon) 1pm-4pm Update forms/ physicals:        There is about 6 of you who will not be able to try out on Saturday.  If your in 7th/ 8th grade you cannot miss Saturday, FYI.         Either you have not handed in your update form or have not had a new physical done.  I apologize but the nurse needs to clear you;1 highschooler and 5 middleschoolers are not cleared to tryout currently.  Please double check with the nurse tomorrow and see if you're cleared. Also, no jewelry on the day of tryouts.  If your a returning cheerleader trying out you need to set an example.  Please wear a bow, even your game bow is ok.  You cannot have fake, gel, acryllic nails on.  I have told a few of you since September to remove

10/4 Game, looks like rain

Good morning, Currently (according to it's suppose to start raining at 8am.  We do still have to go unless the game is canceled, we just don't stunt. If you chose to get one, I believe Family Dollar or the Dollar Stores have clear and/ or yellow ponchos for cheap; since you cannot hold an umbrella while cheering.  I would suggest not wearing your skirt if it is raining becuase I really don't want any of you catching a cold.  You may also want to bring a big plastic bag or a garbage bag to place your items in without them getting soaked.  Maybe we'll get lucky and the rain won't start until after the game :) 

UPDATE on Selection Classification Test

I was told that if they fail two parts, they do noth make the team and there is no-retakes .  3 attempts only for each part of the tes on that day (10/11). Thank you

I mis-spoke last night

Hello, There was a question as to what the Impact (concussion) Screening consists of and it is a computer baseline test.  My apologies.